If you have purchased a Strata Titled property, you automatically become a member of that body corporate. The body corporate is an entity made up of all the unit owners in a unit title development – if you are a unit owner, then you are also a member of the body corporate.
The body corporate is responsible for the management and maintenance of that body corporate.
Powers and duties
The body corporate is responsible for a range of management, financial and administrative matters relating to the common property and the unit title development as a whole.
The body corporate has a number of powers and duties, which are outlined in section 84 of the Act. Some of these include:
- managing, maintaining and repairing the common property, including common building elements and infrastructure that might not be common property
- establishing and maintaining a long-term maintenance plan
- keeping and maintaining a register of all unit owners
- calling general meetings of the body corporate
- keeping accurate financial statements
- taking out insurance that covers the development
- levying contributions on owners to fund the operation of the body corporate
- providing documents to unit owners, such as financial statements, meeting minutes and insurance details
- making and enforcing the body corporate operational rules.
The purpose of The Unit Titles Act 2010 is to provide a legal framework for the ownership and management of land and associated buildings and facilities on a socially and economically sustainable basis by communities of individual owners